Wednesday 7 September 2011

Delhi Police released sketches of two persons suspected to be involved in planting the bomb near Gate no. 5

  • Wednesday 7 September 2011
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  • senior police official: “We have released sketches of two suspects based on the descriptions given by eyewitnesses.” He further added that they “may also release a third sketch depending upon the eyewitness accounts.”

    Terror revisited the Indian capital Wednesday when a powerful explosion ripped through the workday bustle at the Delhi High Court, killing 11 people and injuring at least 76 in India’s third worst bombing since the November 2008 Mumbai attack.

    The suitcase bomb went off around 10.30 a.m. just outside Gate No 5 of the complex near India Gate in central Delhi where passes are issued for the hundreds of litigants, media personnel and other visitors to the court.

    According to Home Secretary R.K. Singh, the bomb was in a suitcase. “We have remains of the suitcase,” he told reporters.

    Around 300 people were waiting outside various gates of the court when the blast took place.

    The Pakistan-based Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islami (HuJI) in an email to various media houses claimed responsibility. The email sent from an unknown location threatened that the hanging of 2001 parliament attack convict Afzal Guru should be repealed immediately.
