Thursday 15 September 2011

No 1 University in the World.(MIT)

  • Thursday 15 September 2011
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  •   Massachusetts Institute of Technology :United States

     MIT History

    Whimsical Map of MIT, 1944-45
    Whimsical Map of MIT, 1944-45

    Celebrate MIT150!
        150 Years in the Stacks
        MIT in Popular Culture
        Top 10 FAQs about MIT’s history (coming soon!)
        MIT 150 Puzzle1 (more to come!)
        Community-submitted haikus

    Challenge yourself: Try your hand at two early MIT entrance exams: 1869-70 | 1876

    Listen to MIT-related music:Tech Songs, 1903: Listen | About Tech Songs MIT Music

    Fun maps of MIT:

        Cartoon Map of MIT Campus: Who is J. Leary?
        Whimsical Map of MIT

    Student fun & humor at MIT:
       VooDoo: Student Humor at MIT
        MIT Dames Fashion Show, 1961

    Seal of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    The MIT sealThe craftsman at the anvil and the scholar with a book on the seal of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology embody the educational philosophy of William Barton Rogers and other incorporators of MIT as stated in their 1860 proposal Objects and Plan of an Institute of Technology: “…the interests of Commerce and the Arts, as well as of General Education, call for the most earnest co-operation of intelligent culture with industrial pursuits.” The Latin motto Mens et Manus– “mind and hand”–and the volumes, Science and Arts, on the pedestal also reflect the ideal of cooperation between knowledge and practice. The year 1861 refers to the date (April 10, 1861) the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was incorporated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Acts 1861).

    The official seal of MIT was adopted on December 26, 1864, by the Corporation in a design recommended by the Committee on the Seal, a committee established in 1863, with President William Barton Rogers and the Treasurer of the Institute as members. The Corporation minutes cover only the appointment of the committee and the approval of the seal; there are no records about the deliberations that led to the choice of a design, so we can only speculate. Interestingly, the title page of The Young Mechanic, printed in Boston in 1833, bears a design similar to the MIT seal. The seal was engraved in Philadelphia in November 1865 by A. Paquet at a cost of $285. Copies of the bill and receipt for the manufacture of the seal are in Rogers’s papers (MC 1) in the Institute Archives.

    A number of unofficial interpretations have emerged over the years, but there is only one official seal.
